Ally Bank - Not douchebags.
First off, when I read Ally Bank it sounds like a bad stripper name. But apparently its also the name of a bank that wants to ally with you in your personal quest to destroy Hitler or something. Anyway, Ally Bank wants to stress that they don't want to screw you over. To prove this point they've created a series of commercials that try to point out that the way banks treat you wouldn't fly in front of a kid so why does the average consumer put up with it? Here the guy gives a toy pony to one girl but a real one to the other. When the toy-pony girl wonders about her gift the adult just looks at her and like a typical douchebag banker says "well you didn't ask." This goes along with Ally Bank's premise that most bankers are douchebags. The thing that strikes me odd about the commercial though is that I don't hear the other little girl ask that her pony be a real one. She gives the exact same answer as the other little girl. So why does she get the pony? Aside from the fact that Ally Bank just wants to show how other banks want to bend you over. Are they saying other banks are racist because they pick the fairer skinned girl (which would maybe work if Ally Bank did pick their name because they actually do hate the Nazis enough to name their bank after those allies, I could be over-thinking though)? Is it just that the girl who gets the real pony actually the CEO of a major American company and she promised the guy kickbacks beforehand? Is toy-pony girl a small-business owner with a badly written business plan? I can't answer these questions, it's simply my job to ask them. I know what I am going to do though. Next time I have to get a loan I'm going to tell them that I want a "real-pony" deal and see what they say. Then I'm going to see if there is already an Urban dictionary definition for a "real pony" and try to write a new one.
An aside: that could be a fun game to go on urban dictionary and try to come up with a new definition for an established slang term or colloquialism and see if the new one catches on. I'm thinking we go literal on their asses and take back "hiking the Appalachian trail" that or we try to convince people that "I'm Rick James, Bitch!"is not from Dave Chappelle and from something else. Imagine the arguments that would erupt between people who know where its from and people who just like to repeat catchphrases. This could also be applied to any quote from wedding crashers, family guy, and anything Will Ferrell has ever done.
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